Insight into the theatrical cosmos of Tadeusz Kantor at the Museum Tinguely

The Tinguely Museum in Basel provides insights into the theatre and art cosmos of Polish theatre pioneer Tadeusz Kantor. The exhibition entitled "Tadeusz Kantor: Où sont les neiges d'antan", which includes a VR installation, is a co-production with the Culturescapes festival.

Communicating or exhibiting performing arts in a museum is no easy task. In the theatre and art cosmos of Tadeusz Kantor (1915-1990), however, this leap across the boundaries of art disciplines works. From today's perspective, the radical underground performances of the theatre pioneer from Krakow are best understood as universal art.

The cabinet exhibition at Museum Tinguely focuses on the performance "Où sont les neiges d'antan", which Kantor premièred in Rome at the end of the 1970s. In a broader sense, it is a dance of death of Polish society to the sounds of trombones at the Last Judgement.

Virtual reality animation from 9 to 20 October 2019

At Museum Tinguely, the show will be accompanied by a virtual reality animation, Cricoterie (2019) by Auriea Harvey & Michaël Samyn, with objects, drawings, film and photo documentation. From 9 to 20 October, visitors are invited to play on a virtual stage inspired by Kantor's Theatre of Death and equipped with unusual characters and props. The audience can watch as exhibition visitors equipped with data goggles and sticks try to find their way around the out-of-control characters and things.

Source: volksblatt / Basler Museum

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