PlayStation VR supply bottlenecks resolved

PlayStation VR, which was launched in October 2016, was mostly sold out in the weeks and months following its official release. You had to be a bit lucky to get the VR headset right away. Sony has admitted several times in the past that they simply underestimated the high demand. As you have probably noticed, PlayStation VR is now available in shops again. In most cases, the hardware is available in sufficient quantities.

Sony Computer Entertainment has now also confirmed this: The supply bottlenecks have been solved. This statement was made for the North American market, but Europe is obviously also getting enough copies. Since the ongoing supply problems have been cleared up, Sony is going back to promoting PlayStation VR a little more extensively. The company has largely refrained from doing so in recent months because it did not want to promote a product that is difficult to get hold of.

The name of the new Marketing campaign is "Two Worlds" and is intended to show the immersive effect when you put on the VR headset and switch from the normal environment to virtual reality. A first TV spot can be viewed here in the announcement. The theme is the upcoming VR shooter "Farpoint".

Source: VRODO

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