Ghostbusters VR

Ghostbusters in VR

If there's something strange in your neighbourhood... you can soon put on your VR glasses and become a Ghostbuster yourself. Meta is currently developing a Ghostbusters game in VR

Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg continues to beat the advertising drum for his metaverse. So his employees are said to be already complaining, that the boss does not want to talk about anything else at the moment. And when Meta last announced the upcoming games for its own VR goggles announcedZuckerberg did not miss the opportunity to present the highlight of the event himself: A Ghostbusters game in VR.

Ghost hunting in VR

The goal in virtual reality is, of course, to track down otherworldly creatures, catch them with the proton beam and capture them. As part of the new story, you solve a profound mystery in the Ghostbusters universe. In the game, you walk alone or with up to three friends through abandoned factory halls and other creepy places in the US metropolis of San Francisco. With a proton pack strapped on and a ghost-seeking P.K.E. meter in hand, you set off to fight and capture various ghosts. The game is supposed to be scary and fun in equal measure.

Interestingly, although it is published by Sony Pictures Virtual Reality (SPVR). according to the website is to be released exclusively for Metas Quest 2. A release date is not yet known.

"When you want to create a big, immersive multiplayer VR game that has to be experienced to be believed, who do you call? nDreams," says Jake Zim, Senior Vice President, Virtual Reality, Sony Pictures Entertainment. He continues, "Meta Quest 2's virtual reality allows us to realise our dream of being Ghostbusters. The world, the ghosts and the iconic tools and equipment provide the ultimate VR adventure. And most importantly, it's fun to hunt ghosts with your friends!"

Ghostbuster has not been converted for VR for the first time, as we have already reported. report. Ghostbusters VR: Firehouse & Showdown from 2018, however, is probably one of the biggest cucumbers in VR gaming history. All the better that it is now being relaunched by a professional studio.

Source: derstandard / Youtube / oculus / Mixed

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