1284 posts
VR makes Bugatti even faster
Expensive and time-consuming clay prototypes will soon be a thing of the past in the car industry. VR is to be used in the design of a...
September 12, 2019
Vulnicura VR: Björk releases virtual reality album
It's been four and a half years since Björk started working on a VR album. Now all of the VR experiments on...
September 11, 2019
swissVRexperience brings simulators to Switzerland
From Croatia to China to Switzerland: we spoke to Matthias Cueni from SwissVRexperience and found out how...
September 10, 2019
Tikal and the Aftermath of the Blood Moon - in the test
During our visit to the Fusion Arena in Bern, we were able to experience the adventure: Tikal and the After...
September 8, 2019
Hyper Reality in Bern - the test
"The Fusion Arena is not a gaming hell for gamers, but an open experience space for everyone" according to Ronny Tobler, co-founder...
September 6, 2019
Immersive massage
"Immersive massage" sounds painful, but it is exactly the opposite. Behind it are massage parlours that offer their customers...
September 5, 2019
Experience the Port of Hamburg in Virtual Reality
HafenCity Hamburg is always worth a visit - even for VR-hungry visitors. For example, the innovative Hafenmuseum with...
September 3, 2019
The Lab: Valve brings cult VR app up to the latest technical standard
The Lab was released in spring 2016 to coincide with the launch of the HTC Vive and was designed to introduce VR novices to clever and fun...
September 2, 2019
The band Korn celebrates in VR in the Mosh Pit
Those who want to go to a grain concert without the expense and travel time now have the opportunity to do just that.
September 1, 2019
What to expect at the third Swiss Digitaltag
The third national Digitaltag will take place on 3 September. At twelve locations throughout Switzerland, the...
August 30, 2019