Birdly World

Birdly World and Birdly Moment

The Birdly flight simulator connects the virtual world with Birdly World. And with the new Birdly Moment function, the device automatically creates a video of the users.

We have already written several times about the Birdly flight simulator. reports. Various applications make the dream of flying come true with Birdly.

Birdly Where

Until now, city experiences like Zurich or New York were not connected and each experience was a stand-alone application. With Birdly World, the company SOMNIACS is planning a future platform that will house all these experiences in one place, in one world. "Furthermore, we envision this world as a playground for future experiences where you can not only explore, but also share the experience with your friends in a multi-user configuration" the company shared in its newsletter. In addition to exploration, the team also plans to implement gamification elements, such as race tracks where you can compete with your friends, or games like scavenger hunts where you have to track down and find objects or hidden locations.

Last month, Google announced at its developer conference that it will make its Google Earth 3D data available to third parties. SOMNIAC already has experimental access to this 3D data, which covers more than 2500 locations worldwide. With Birdly World, the entire set of places will be integrated as a base layer so that users can truly explore the world with Birdly.

The following video gives an insight into the first tests. The visual quality and interaction will improve significantly upon release.

Birdly moments

As with everything and everywhere, Birdly users love to record a video of themselves and share the moment with their friends and followers. To accommodate this, Birdly Moments has been developed: an automatic audio/video recording feature for Birdly flyers. Without any extra effort, Birdly will use it to automatically create a recording of the flight. The video shows a split view between the VR experience and a camera recording of the flyer on Birdly. After the ride, the user can scan a QR code and will be asked to enter their email address. Once the video is securely uploaded to the cloud, the flyer will receive an email notification with a download link to retrieve the video.

Source: Newsletter

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