Zurich plays time travel with the mixed reality game "ewz-on

"ewz-on" is the interactive mixed-reality game to mark ewz's 125th anniversary. Users can experience the development of electricity in Zurich and Graubünden from its beginnings to far into the future over six exciting epochs and can also win attractive prizes.

The year is 1892 and the cityscape of Zurich is characterised by horse-drawn trams, gas lamps and candles. This is where the exciting journey begins. Users who have downloaded the AR anniversary app ewz-on The players who download the game from ewz Elektrizitätswerk der Stadt Zürich can become witnesses to historical eras and playfully contribute to electrical progress: they are empowered to control the turbines of the first river power station at Letten, light up the city's streets, build dams or control the intelligent electricity grids of the future. Each era has its own game.

Over the course of three weeks, players are constantly faced with new tasks that sometimes challenge their dexterity, sometimes their knowledge. At home, together with friends or in mixed reality - in the centre of the city of Zurich or in Graubünden. The game began on 27 August 2017 at 10.00 a.m., lasts until 19 September 2017 at 9.00 p.m. and is divided into six epochs. The epochs will be activated one after the other in a 4-day rhythm. The ticker on the website shows the details.

Generous price package with instant prizes

There are attractive prizes to be won. The player with the highest score across all games wins the game and with it the main prize: a travel voucher from Hotelplan worth CHF 15,000.

In the mixed reality games in epochs 2 and 5, participants can also obtain instant prizes from the participating partners for a limited period of time. To do this, players must physically go to the point shown on the map. As soon as they are within the radius of the point, a full-screen advert appears in the app. This advert must be shown at the partner location at the checkout and can therefore be purchased as an instant price.

There are prizes to be won totalling over CHF 60,000.

You can join the game at any time, even if the previous epoch prizes have already been awarded. It is also possible to replay within each era and between the eras at any time, i.e. you can also enter the game in era 5, replay the previous eras and compete for the main prizes.

Underline Pinioroll

ewz is celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2017 and is using this app to show customers, employees and interested parties the pioneering role that ewz has repeatedly played over the various eras of the past 125 years, as well as its outlook for the future.

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