
New Tinder Dating App for the Metaverse

Dating? That must also exist in the Metaverse. The name of the dating app says it all: Nevermet.

Nevermets are couples who have an internet relationship without having met in real life, explains the Urban Dictionary, an online dictionary specialising in English slang.

Like Tinder and the like, the dating app Nevermet sees itself as a platform for dating, except that here it is divided into virtual boyfriends (VBFs ) and girlfriends (VGFs).

Metaverse-Tinder: Access for avatars only

One of the biggest differences between Tinder and Nevermet. On the latter platform, real-life looks don't matter.

This is also emphasised by the developers: On Nevermet there are kno personal photos allowed, only pictures of avatars. Profiles are controlled by a moderator. Accordingly, other factors come to the fore here, such as the sound of one's own voice.

Otherwise, Nevermet works like Tinder and the like. Users create a profile and specify which gender and age group they are interested in. Instead of a physical place of residence, they name a virtual one. The places have names like VRChat, Rec Room and Horizon Worlds.

Then it's time to swipe. In the event of a match, prospective lovers can send each other text messages and arrange a VR date. Those looking for friendships are also welcome, writes the Nevermet team.

Metaverse dating: An idea with future potential?

Nevermet was developed by Cam Mullen and Solaris Nite (no artist:inside or avatar name). Together they created the social VR apps Couch, Somewhere and Cheerio.

The latter is all about getting to know each other and socialising and is said to be particularly popular - which is why the start-up founders decided to develop the idea further. This is how Nevermet was born, which also attracted a number of investors such as Draper, Boost VC, Greg Castle and Anorak Ventures.

The dating app certainly has future potential. Young people grow up with and in digital environments, so the idea of metaverse dating is probably logical for many of them. At least that is what the acclaimed documentary We Met in Virtual Reality close.

Source: Mixed / Youtube

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