AR Art from Switzerland at SWISSARTEXPO and at home

The work of the Swiss artist Sarah Montani combines ancient techniques with the possibilities of the digital world. She takes her audience on a journey through time from the ancient Romans to the universe of augmented reality. The video installation Intu Ink, created especially for SWISSARTEXPO, bears witness to this. It focuses on the act of creation and, with its hybrid art, adds a new facet to the classical concept of art.

2018 marks a turning point in Montani's work: she bundles her strengths and dedicates herself 100 per cent to art. Her knowledge of the digital corporate world now flows just as intensively into her art-making as her explorative, forward-looking way of working.

Old technology goes digital

She discovers certain techniques and materials known since antiquity, such as beeswax (encaustic) and shellac, and combines them with modern fluid art. She finds new access to her inner creativity, for which she finds the perfect medium in these extremely dynamic materials.

Montani directs her elements with fire and flame without imposing her will. The emergence of Montani's art, in which she sets the materials ablaze with air and heat, is therefore among the most fascinating of her work to date.

In her video work Intu Ink, she lets the viewer participate in her creative flow, making them witness her careful yet determined approach. The act of creation becomes a sensual experience. At the same time, with her hybrid art, she feels the contours of a new kind of art genre of tingling topicality. What is meant is the coexistence of analogue and digital experience as well as all the mixed forms in between, as they have shaped society and art not only since Corona, but particularly clearly since then.

Augmented Reality App - at home

With her new app iazzu, the artist makes it possible for everyone to visualise her artwork on their own walls at home. This way, everyone can find the perfect work for their home. Via the QR scanner on her Website it'll be done in no time.

Source: pressetext

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