Deloitte wants to make relocation easier for employees with VR

Whether for a new home or a new workplace. With the help of VR, people should be better prepared for what awaits them. Deloitte envisions that anyone moving to a new location within the company will be able to view the new neighbourhood in VR beforehand. This should make the move easier for employees and their families.

When Deloitte employees relocate, they can use VR to visualise their new workplace before their first day at work. The Immersive Mobility service is designed to reduce stress for employees when relocating: Using VR goggles, relocating employees watch 360-degree and VR tours of their new home or also take part in mixed reality training.

The virtual relocation was designed by Deloitte's digital department in collaboration with the tax and HR departments. The immersive service will also take into account factors such as payroll, the compensation process, compliance with individual tax regulations and labour tax.

A more relaxed future with VR

"Typically, employers are burdened with a complicated, expensive process that often leaves employees feeling frustrated and alone," says Michelle Fertig, senior manager at Deloitte Tax LLP.

Now employees and their families can put on VR glasses or use their smartphone and tablet to watch an immersive video about their new home, office, school or neighbourhood, says Fertig.

The Swiss have been around for a long time

The idea is not actually new. At the beginning of 2018, we reported on the virtual village tour in Suhr and also the Zurich offered its applicants the opportunity to take a virtual tour back in 2017. According to Bandara, it has already implemented a similar project for a large IT company in 2017. Unfortunately, however, this was not publicised. New employees were sent Cardboard glasses to their homes in the weeks before their first day at work, which they could use to explore their new workplace on a virtual tour.
Source: Mixed / Bandara / Youtube
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