Arizona Sunshine for Oculus Quest released

The VR shooter "Arizona Sunshine" is available for Oculus Quest and Vertigo Games has also announced an overview of new content for the coming months that will support Oculus Store Cross-Buy. In addition, the launch trailer can be viewed.

Five updates are planned for the future, including new weapons, fresh maps for Horde mode and story expansions. The two-handed weapons update will be released later this month for free and will allow all Quest users to use any new weapons at will. More free as well as premium DLC will appear on the Oculus Store in 2020 with cross-buy support. "Arizona Sunshine" has been completely recreated for Oculus Quest, according to the developers, and puts up to four players into the VR zombie apocalypse.

"We're very proud of what our team has done technically to bring Arizona Sunshine to the Quest in a way that's true to both the game and Quest users," said studio director Richard Stitselaar. "We've been pushing both our own limits and those of VR over the past few years and will continue to do so in 2020 with additional Arizona Sunshine content on the Quest. Next year is going to be very exciting for us and there's a lot to look forward to, especially our new VR FPS After The Fall."

Source: Press release

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