Vulnicura VR: Björk releases virtual reality album

It has been four and a half years since Björk began working on a VR album. Now all the VR experiments are being released on Steam.

The virtual reality album contains VR versions of seven songs from their 2015 studio album Vulnicura. Namely, these are Stonemilker, Lionsong, Black Lake, Family, Notget, Mouth Mantra and Quicksand. Each of the seven VR experiences offers a "360-degree soundtrack" composed by Stephen Malinowksi. We wrote about the Stonemilker project at the time as part of a Contribution already reported on women in VR.

Björk's VR experiments were previously on display in the travelling exhibition Björk Digital. The Vulnicura VR app published on Steam brings them together in one place and makes them accessible to the public.

An audiovisual synthesis of the arts

With Vulnicura, Björk came to terms with her separation from Matthey Barney. The VR glasses were both isolating and an escape for her, writes the Icelandic artist at Instagram. Virtual reality is not only a natural continuation of the music video, it also offers a more intimate stage and is therefore ideal for an emotional journey like this.

About the development of the VR experiences, Björk says: "The whole process was an improvisation, an attempt to stay true to the formats. [...] I wanted to keep up with the development of 360-degree sound and image technology and turn the challenges into musical gifts."

Vulnicura VR will be released on 6 September by Steam.

More and more artists are venturing into the world of Reports The VR path, be it with virtual concerts, performances in VR games or video clips.

Source: Mixed

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