Glass floor view at Lufthansa with VR app

To make lengthy long-haul flights more entertaining, the Lufthansa has developed a VR app that will allow passengers to look out of the aircraft from a completely new perspective in the future.

Until now, passengers could only find out about the flight route via the infotainment system. Instead of looking at these boring 2D maps, passengers would now be able to explore their surroundings in an all-round view, even in fog or at night.

The glass floor view with additional information

Passengers can therefore see the map from above at their current position and view the surroundings as if the aircraft had a glass floor. This view is not for people with a fear of heights.

The "VR Moving App" for Gear VR pulls data from the aircraft's infotainment system in real time via Wi-Fi so that the VR experience adapts dynamically to the flight route. The app can also stream information from the aircraft's entertainment system, such as speed, altitude, outside temperature and distance, to the VR goggles. The large amounts of data generated when streaming 360 content can be distributed via a server on board the aircraft, meaning that satellite internet is not required.

Additional entertainment

It would also be possible to virtually look over the pilot's shoulders or sit in the virtual cockpit in front of all the many buttons and switches. In theory, it would also be possible to take 360-degree snapshots or videos of sights just below or in front of you. This would certainly provide ingenious opportunities for hotels or museums to advertise last minute.

It is still completely uncertain when Lufthansa or Swiss will issue the first VR glasses for long-haul flights. Lufthansa is implementing the VR experience together with Agency 3spin around. According to the developers, the VR Moving app is a functional concept study for the in-flight entertainment of the future. In my opinion, the airlines could earn a nice chunk of money by renting out the app and the necessary equipment. Until then, Lufthansa employees can continue to strike for a while.

Source: PC Tip / / 3spin

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