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430 posts
Third VR generation will remove all doubts
Ninja Theory, known from "DmC: Devil May Cry", "Enslaved: Odyssey to the West", "Heavenly Sword" and the...
August 3, 2017
Lufthansa invests in virtual and augmented reality
Lufthansa is investing more in virtual and augmented reality. The company is thus underlining the growing importance of the technology...
July 31, 2017
Google makes expeditions accessible to all
Until now, only school classes have been able to benefit from a worldwide virtual educational journey. From now on, however, the Expeditions application from...
July 29, 2017
Lion King: Actors enter virtual film scenes before shooting
At its in-house D23 Expo, Disney showed visitors for the first time clips of the new Star Wars theme park, alongside news of the...
July 26, 2017
MySugardaddy VR - Virtual Reality Dating
The developers of the new dating community MySugardaddy VR want to bring about a revolution in the online dating sector. The...
July 23, 2017
Diving into VR on the train
A train journey can now be made more exciting, as anyone who sits down on the Eurostar this summer can enjoy...
July 20, 2017
Pokémon Go celebrates its 1-year anniversary
Pokémon GO, probably the best-known AR app, is celebrating its first anniversary. The developers, Niantic, are celebrating with new...
July 20, 2017
Mind Mapping in VR
Gaming in VR is cool, but as various projects have already shown, VR also holds enormous potential...
July 19, 2017
Disney enables Jedi Training
Star Wars fans take note: At the in-house d23-Expo, Disney is presenting a completely new concept for a Star Wars theme park....
July 18, 2017
Police officers of the future: scanner glasses recognise bad guys
The US Department of Homeland Security is looking at how innovative technology can improve security and work...
July 17, 2017