Hologramme Elefant

Podcast episode from Blick zu VR

In a podcast episode of Blick, listeners learn why virtual reality and the like are not just interesting for the entertainment industry. In the podcast episode, the presenters talk to various guests about VR for a good 25 minutes.

Listeners to the podcast episode will find out, for example, why a virtual placebo works just like a real one and how VR glasses can relieve pain.

There is also a debate about whether digital animals can save nature and whether virtual animals can replace living ones: Holograms instead of live elephants, virtual reality goggles instead of aquariums full of sharks. Would that be desirable for animal welfare - and is the technology even that advanced yet?

A fascinating question and an entertaining podcast. You can listen to it on Blick.ch, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and other platforms.

Source: Blick

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