VR Schnorcheln

VR Room on VR Dive in Männedorf - the test

The indoor pool in Männedorf is the first swimming pool in the whole of Switzerland to offer virtual reality snorkelling. This allows visitors to literally dive into different worlds. We tested the experience and tell you what it was like without spoiling anything.

Fortunately, I suggested that we could do a few more laps in the pool after the VR snorkelling. Because my test partner Kevin already wanted to go without swimming trunks. "What, into the water with VR goggles? How is that supposed to work?"

When we arrived at the indoor pool in Männedorf, we were greeted cheerfully by the team. Tim, the manager of the indoor pool, immediately took us in and explained to us in the dry what we could expect. There will be a total of three films, each lasting 5 minutes. We would later be equipped with waterproof VR goggles, a snorkel and an aquafit swimming harness. And so Kevin was finally convinced: "We're really going into the water with the goggles, that's awesome!".

VR glasses for the water

We also found out how the VR glasses are constructed and were even allowed to take a look inside at the mobile phone inside. Tim briefly unscrewed the VR goggles, which were developed in the States together with films, for us. Nothing really spectacular if you are familiar with VR; in other words, it's interesting that it works in water.

After changing and a brief inspection of the bubble system, we were ready to get started. Kevin was given the task of attaching a suction cup to the floor. As a VR snorkeller, you are attached to the floor via a less elastic rope with a snap hook over the aquafit belt. Because if you have the goggles on, you are completely disorientated in the real pool and the fastening prevents you from crashing into other pool visitors or a wall.

Attention ready test

Of course, we wanted to test all three films so that we could make a comparison. So we started with the underwater world. Unfortunately, Kevin doesn't have a normal face and struggled a bit with his glasses. He kept getting water in them. A rarity. So far, this has only been a problem for people with beards or small children. There was another solution, where the whole face was covered, but that would cost a lot more, Tim said and felt a little sorry for him. If this were the case with a paying guest, the money would be refunded. Nevertheless, Kevin enjoyed the 5-minute film and handed me the glasses, beaming. The experience was still a good one.

Before he could give too much away, I put everything on after a quick round of disinfection and dived in with excitement. I thought the effect of the incoming water and the fact that you could hear music underwater was really cool. Although Tim said that there was no motion sickness with VR snorkelling, I realised that I had to position myself in the direction of the film swim to prevent an uneasy feeling in my stomach. However, I found the natural movement in the water very pleasant and was impressed by the feeling of weightlessness. The five minutes went by in a flash.

All three films were very varied and I was always amazed at how quickly I forgot everything around me. Kevin, who usually dives in real life, liked the space film best. My favourite as a non-diver was the cosy underwater world. "There would also be a fourth film - skydiving," said Tim, "but the goggles and the other films have to pay for themselves first. After all, a film costs around CHF 1,000." Well, we'd love to come back for another test.

VR Schnorcheln

You can experience VR snorkelling every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoon for CHF 10 per film. Because of Corona, the demand has decreased somewhat, Tim said. So why not take the opportunity to go diving in Männedorf soon?

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