A job advert has appeared in Japan confirming that Sony is working on a next-gen VR headset. The company wants to set up a team of around 15 people for this purpose.
This VR team is to take care of the mechanical design, the optics, the lenses, the lightest possible housing and more. A comfortable user experience is also mentioned. As the job advert has been machine translated, it may contain errors or inaccuracies, but it looks like this next-gen VR headset won't be appearing any time soon. In fact, development is estimated to take five years, starting now.
However, there is a chance that this is not PlayStation VR 2, which could perhaps be released much sooner. Possibly PSVR 3 is meant. A PC VR headset would also be conceivable, as the job advert comes directly from Sony and not from Sony Interactive Entertainment (PlayStation division).
Sources: UploadVR