Fan remake of P.T. with VR support

Konami once released a dark demo called "P.T." which was intended to prepare players for the horror game "Silent Hills". However, Konami cancelled the title and took the demo off the net. Since then, the popular "P.T." has become a cult favourite.

A new fan remake is currently on the agenda, which has been realised using Unreal Engine 4. It is very close to the original, but this time there is even optional VR support. Oculus Rift and HTC Vive can be used, but there is a warning that errors may occur. As the Download is free of charge (see link), but you can still give it a try.

VR motion controllers are also supported. Otherwise, you can use a mouse and keyboard or PlayStation and Xbox controllers. You should hurry up with the download anyway, because it could well be that Konami will take action against "Unreal PT".

Source: DualShockers

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