Borderlands 2 VR announced for PSVR

2K Games and Gearbox Software have announced "Borderlands 2 VR" for PlayStation VR, which will be launched on 14 December 2018. This is a conversion of the well-known and successful action role-playing game "Borderlands 2".

As in normal "Borderlands 2" you travel to the planet Pandora. You are promised 87 bazillions of weapons (there really are a lot of variations, some of which hardly differ from each other), with which you have to face the charming and psychopathic dictator Handsome Jack. The aim is to free Pandora from the corrupt Hyperion Corporation. Unfortunately, the VR version will not include a co-op mode. All further information can be found in the manufacturer's description and the first trailer provides impressions.

Features of Borderlands 2 VR

  • Virtual steps on Pandora: Slip into the boots of a treasure-hunting chamber hunter, armed with 87 bazillion weapons and the task of filling your pockets with loot and freeing Pandora from the clutches of Handsome Jack. Knock out bandits by aiming like the real thing, punch bullymongs in the face, find the perfect weapon inside a life-size treasure chest and inspect it from every angle. Grab a vehicle in Catch-A-Ride, race across Pandora in first-person view and experience the thrill of a psycho running towards you with a grenade in his hand, yelling "Boom time!".
  • Virtual slow motion: Borderlands 2 VR includes a new feature unique to the VR experience to aid the Chamber Hunters in their fight against Handsome Jack: Bad-Ass Mega Fun Time (BAMF Time for short). Players can use this new slow-motion ability to literally slow down time in the game temporarily in preparation for their next attack. Players can also use the teleport option to glide across Pandora with the elegance of Claptrap (if you can call him elegant).
  • Become a virtual chamber hunter: Take on the role of one of four playable classes - Siren, Commando, Gunzerker and Assassin - each with unique combat styles and upgraded skills to take advantage of VR functionality, including the new BAMF Time ability. Whether you're crushing enemies with Maya's Siren powers, summoning your Sabre gun as Axton, lugging around a machine gun in each hand as Salvador, or feeling the satisfaction of ramming a sword into an enemy's back as Zer0, Borderlands 2 VR immerses players like never before.
  • Experience the virtual improvements: For the first time ever, players can experience the exhilaration of racing around Borderlands in first-person - while accelerating and steering with the controller, you can aim the vehicle's weapons with the headset. Using the motion controllers and headset, players can interact with the menu systems in a new and intuitive way for this platform as they navigate through the menus by pointing, clicking, dragging and dropping with ease. Players can also choose their favourite way to move. Whether it's the targeted teleportation popular in VR or the classic direct movement via controller - the experience should feel good for VR and unadulterated like in classic Borderlands.
  • Virtual wealth: Borderlands VR brings shooter-looter mechanics to virtual reality, with a bazillion procedurally generated weapons, each with individual strengths and modifiers. Procedurally generated shields, grenades, relics, class mods and more round out the chambered hunter's arsenal for maximum power and carnage!

Source: Press release from 2K Games

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