PSVR adventure Déraciné to be released in November

The Sony Japan Studio and From Software have known the adventure game "Déraciné" in the making. It has now been announced that "Déraciné" will be launched for PlayStation VR in Europe on 6 November 2018.

Incidentally, director Hidetaka Miyazaki, who is known from the popular "Dark Souls" series, is also on board for the development, which is why something can definitely be expected from "Déraciné". "Déraciné" is described as a classic adventure game. You take on the role of an invisible fairy who appears in an old, secluded boarding school.

While exploring a world where time stands still, you will find numerous clues that must be used to solve a mystery. From Software's aim is to utilise the latest VR technology to create a traditional adventure game and a visual novel at the same time. The new trailer provides some impressions.

Source: Official PlayStation Blog

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