Walt Disney Animation Studios will release an animated VR short film. This is "Cycles", which will be released in August 2018 on the Siggraph will make its debut. "Cycles", an experimental film by Jeff Gipson, revolves around the true meaning of building a house and living within its walls.
"Each house has its own story for the people who live there. We wanted to create a story in this single location and enable the viewer to experience life around these people. It's an emotionally driven film that expresses the real highs and lows and the happy and sad moments of life." says Jeff Gipson.
Around 50 people worked on "Cycles" for four months. Jeff Gipson adds: "VR is cool because we're really on the edge of figuring out what it is and how to tell stories in this new medium. In VR, you can look anywhere and really be transported to another world, experience it from different angles and see every detail. We want the audience to feel alive and emotional and experience real cinema."
Source: VR-Nerds