VR ascent of Mount Everest

Those who do not Mount Everst can at least experience the mountain in VR. "Capturing Everest" is now available in the "Life VR" app, which can be downloaded for iOS and Android. Alternatively, the journey can also be experienced directly in the Internet browser (in four chapters). "Capturing Everest" was filmed over a period of two months. The 360-degree film follows a small group of mountaineers as they make their way from Kathmandu to the summit of Mount Everest.

For the impressive and immersive landscape shots, the VR cameras were sometimes attached to zip lines. In other places, the mountaineers wore the cameras directly on their bodies. The aim of "Capturing Everest" is to give viewers a very good impression of what it is like to walk across deep crevasses or climb a steep ice wall.

The team included Jeff Glasbrenner, the first American to conquer Mount Everst with an amputated leg. Nick Perks, who also took part, promised his late father that he would climb Mount Everst and raise money for UNICEF for every metre of altitude covered. Garrett Madison led the group to the top of the mountain. He has been there six times.

Source: VRODO

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