The father of video games is now trying to revolutionise virtual reality

Nolan Bushnell has already founded 20 companies in his long career. The most important of these was certainly Atari. He brought the video game console into the living room and invented the first video game, Pong. Whether he was really the first is debatable. But that's not what we want to do here. We are more interested in Nolan Bushnell's next project. This is a VR project and certainly sounds really interesting. In my eyes, it's the logical next step.

The 73-year-old Bushnell calls his new baby "Modal VR". In a nutshell, it is a mobile VR system that can be set up quickly and up to 10 games can interact with each other. Two things are very special about it. Firstly, the goggles are wireless and secondly, you wear full-body tracking suits. The centrepiece is the VR Fabricator, a system unit that controls the communication interaction of the individual parts. One of the first demo games is also a kind of Tron Pong. Of course, this system is not intended for home use, but for large companies and event venues. It won't be long before we have various VR entertainment centres in which we can move around in new worlds and interact directly with other players. Be sure to watch the video!



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