Facebook wird Werbung in Oculus Quest-Apps schalten

Facebook will serve ads in Oculus Quest apps

Facebook will soon begin testing adverts within the Oculus Quest platform. In the coming weeks, adverts will be displayed in the game's "Blaston" and appear in two as yet unnamed VR apps.

Facebook will later expand the system based on user feedback, while the company aims to develop a "Self-supporting platform" for VR development. "Once we see how this test goes and incorporate feedback from developers and the community, we'll share more details about when ads will be more widely available across the Oculus platform and in the Oculus mobile app," according to Facebook.

The most sensitive data, including raw images from the Oculus headset camera and weight or height information from Oculus Move fitness tracking, will remain on users' devices and will not be used for adverts. Facebook also has no plans to display adverts based on movement data or recordings from its voice assistant. However, the system will use information from the Facebook profile. For example, it will look at what content you have viewed or which apps you have installed or subscribed to.

Source: The Verge

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