Shakespeare in Virtual Reality

A team of innovative actors is putting Shakespeare's well-known masterpiece Hamlet into VR. The aim is for the play "To Be With Hamlet" to be experienced live by anyone, from anywhere, using a VR headset.

The Live Theatre Experience

The actors were recorded using 3D body scans and their movements are closely tracked thanks to motion capture. The VR experience thus allows users to experience the drama live in a very intimate setting. The integrated multi-user technology even allows other theatre-goers - up to 15 people - to be seen in real time.

The Story

The makers first give visitors time to arrive in VR at the famous Elsinore Castle. Before the performance begins, you can explore the fortress on your own with your fellow players. The play begins after some time with a rising mist and the arrival of Hamlet and Horatio. The two friends are on a quest to find the mysterious ghost that haunts the castle. The visitors then experience the confrontation with the ghost in the VR at first hand.

On the official Website you have some insights into the project with the existing clips.

Theatre in the VR

A really exciting project. In contrast to real theatre, the possibilities of depicting, for example, fantasy creatures, mythical creatures, monsters or sci-fi figures in real life and in any size are of course immense. The possibilities to design the stage set in an extremely imaginative way are also unimaginably huge.

We have already heard from activist Janicza Bravo last week. reportswho comes from the theatre field and noticed that VR has a lot of similarities with it. Because a visitor feels in the middle of things in VR and total immersion is given, such a live performance of a play creates a truly unique experience. VR could also be exciting for improvisation theatre or so-called crime dinners, where the audience is integrated into the story and interaction happens between the actors and the amateurs.

Source: hamlet.vr

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