Conan O'Brien plays Wilson's Heart

This week saw the release of "Wilson's Heart", an interesting VR psychological thriller for Oculus Touch developed by Twisted Pixel ("Splosion Man", "The Maw"). The "Clueless Gamer" has now taken on this very game. This is the well-known late-night talker Conan O'Brienwho repeatedly scrutinises various video games, even though he's not exactly a born gamer. This time, too, there's plenty to laugh about, which is why it's worth a look. However, Conan O'Brien is of the opinion that VR is only suitable for virtual sex anyway. That's why he's a little disappointed with "Wilson's Heart".

In "Wilson's Heart", you take on the role of Robert Wilson, who wakes up in a hospital in the 1940s with no memory and suddenly has a mysterious machine in his chest instead of a heart. As the protagonist explores the eerie building and fights off enemies and environmental hazards, he uses the powers of the mechanical heart to fight battles and solve puzzles. The game is presented in a black-and-white visual style, which Conan O'Brien also criticises, of course with a lot of fun behind it. In addition to the video with the "Clueless Gamer", the official launch trailer is also available for viewing.

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