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World Cup Protest in the Metaverse

Because homosexuality is banned in Qatar, the All Out movement organised an LGBT+ demonstration in virtual space. The digital material for further protests in the FIFA world is now being made available to the public.

"World Cup host Qatar is trampling on LGBT rights - and FIFA is playing along." The All Out movement, which campaigns for love and equality worldwide, wanted to send a signal against hatred. But homosexuality is banned in Qatar, making it impossible to hold a demonstration at the World Cup.

In order to still be able to protest, the Freundliche Grüsse agency and the VR and Metaverse studio Bandara have built a diversion: instead of taking place in the real Qatar, the protest will take place in virtual Qatar. "Well, there is the shiny Metaverse world 'Fifa World' - a replica of the venue on Roblox," they say. It is the perfect place for the protest.

In the week leading up to the World Cup, the avatars of activists from the community gathered in the centre of FIFA World. The trick: to prevent the colourful avatars from being blocked immediately, each one wore only a single letter on their T-shirt. Only in combination did the meaning emerge. In the end, the message "FIFA: UNPLAY THE HATE" remained:

Following the "successful initial protest", anyone can now demonstrate in the FIFA world, either as an individual or a group. The material for this will be provided. All information on how to organise a protest can be found at on unplayhate.org to find.

Source: Personal / Youtube

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