Thought control for VR

When we want to interact with the virtual world, we are currently very limited in the possibilities. Sure, there are gamepads, motion controllers and other accessories. But they are nowhere near as immersive as they should be in the virtual world. We do immerse ourselves in virtual worlds with duverse glasses, but the control over the actions remains in reality. If this could now also be transported, we would really be in 100% completely in another world. We cannot transport the body into the digital world. What is already transported, but not actively used, are our thoughts. That sounds a lot like science fiction or films like The Matrix, The Lawnmower Man or Inception. Is that even possible? Well the company Neurable intends to make this possible.

Neurable has recently secured 2 million in investment capital for the realisation of this (still) dream. Neurable is an exciting company consisting of brain researchers, tekkies, hackers, engineers and programmers. A colourful bunch that it takes to implement something like this. The team is not just starting now, they are already very far along with their work. They are planning to deliver the corresponding developer kit (SDK) to selected developers and manufacturers of AR and VR glasses in the second half of 2017. The developer kit will be compatible with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Microsoft Hololens and other glasses. They will also provide an interface to popular game development platforms such as Unity and Unreal.

The possibilities are almost endless. For example, a game can react to my emotional state. The user can navigate through the menu, change objects and move just by thinking. I can think of countless examples right now. This will be absolutely fantastic, but of course it also harbours dangers. When a person is so deeply immersed in virtual reality, can he or she really still distinguish between the different realities and differentiate between them? Isn't there a danger that we won't want to leave virtual reality? These are critical questions that have to be faced. We will look at these another time. As soon as we have something new from Neurable we will report on it again.




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