New Shooter in the VR Centre in Test

At this year's Team event I was allowed to try out the new shooter in the VR Centre Dietlikon together with two other employees - respectively one employee and one boss.

After we were captured by the system within seconds standing in the T-position, i.e. arms stretched out to the side, the three of us found ourselves in the virtual world, which was in full zombie apocalypse. Armed with our strikers, we were on a raised platform and had to kill as many zombies as possible. The most efficient way to do this was with headshots. You only needed two of them per zombie or you could kill them with eight to ten body shots.

And so we competed with each other. Because at the end, among other things, we compared who had fired how many shots and who had landed how many hits.

Also allowed to bang once in a while

There was also the possibility of knocking down the zombies with the weapon if they were very close. "But please be considerate of the other players," Philip warned. Because especially with such differences in height - I'm 1.58m and my boss is around 1.92m - the risk of knocking down the smaller person is great. So that was my free pass, so to speak, to try it? As far as I was concerned, all the zombies could have been killed that way anyway, because as a martial artist I prefer to use sticks, nunchucks or my own fists. So I wasn't surprised that I came off worst in the end. Such physical effort should be rewarded 100 times more.

Anyway, the main thing was not to see who was better, but to fight as a team against the many zombies. So as soon as a place was covered in yellow light, we had to come together there, because this transported us via a lift or a mobile platform to the next level or the next place. Compared to the first shooter, where we could only move back and forth on the gallery, this is a very cool change, because the different scenarios had a lot of details.

In general, I like the new shooter much more, not least because of the sound. When ZZ Top play in the background, it defuses the bloodthirsty scenario and gives the whole thing a certain looseness. And so even our pacifist, who otherwise disdains all gun games, found it quite cool. What more could you want?






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