Mind Mapping in VR

Gaming in VR is cool, but as various projects have already shown, VR also harbours enormous potential for a wide range of industries to increase productivity. A new tool that is certainly also exciting for pupils and students is called Noda. It's a kind of mind mapping tool for the Vive and Rift.

Mind mapping is a cognitive technique that can be used to develop and visualise a subject area. The mind map is ideal for planning, learning or collecting ideas and for finding connections. Until now, mind maps have been two-dimensional. With Noda, the third dimension is now added quite intuitively.

The Early Access version is available on Steam for $10. The whole thing is controlled with a controller; you can tag, colour, adjust the size of objects, of course move everything around, group, etc. Users can also easily draw lines for the connections, import and export data from TXT and CSV as well as JPG, PNG and BMP files.

You can see more in the video clip:

Source: roadtovr


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