Discover the world with Google Earth VR


This makes geography fun! I still remember well how I found myself in the middle of the most amazing cities and landscapes on Google Earth with the help of Street View. I stood there on the screen in the skyscraper canyons of New York and imagined what it would be like to live there. I was as happy as a little child when I entered my location and found my house displayed on the computer screen. With the release of Google Earth VR not only revives this joyful feeling, but even surpasses it, not only for me, but for the many enthusiasts who have already had the pleasure.


The free application is available on Steam VR and lets us experience the world in a new virtual way. As with Google Earth, the entire earth floats in front of the viewer, zooming in, countries and continents can be surveyed, cities and monuments can be viewed. It is possible to travel at giant size or at normal human size, or to fly through the world like a superhero. The developers paid particular attention to the player's experience and comfort. For example Motion sickness There is a comfort mode that shrinks the field of vision when travelling. A simple but effective option for anyone who wants to fly around the world without vertigo.

However, the whole world, or rather the 175 cities for which there are 3D models, is very demanding on the graphics card, in many places buildings have to be loaded in afterwards, and the resolution also suffers as a result. Furthermore, the modelling is messy in many places, trees merge into lumps and cars turn into small hills. We will probably also have to wait for more areas to be developed. Areas without 3D structuring are as flat as a flounder with a painted landscape and therefore not particularly exciting.

However, none of this diminishes the overwhelming impression that Google Earth VR offers. Regardless of whether you simply want to whizz through the landscapes or tell your friends about your travel destinations. A little tip at the end: the Matterhorn can be marvelled at particularly well this way.


Sources: Google, Steam, Roadtovr, PCtipp

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